风水福地 & 骨灰殿

Burial Plots & Columbaria

Royal Family Burial Plot

落叶,会归根。在华人传统思想中,不论人在哪裡、不论人居何处,家总是最温暖的避风港。无论我们走得多远、无论身在何方大陆,游子之心总期盼着倦鸟归巢,盼望寻觅一个终身安定的归宿,等待与家人团聚的日子。 家族墓园延续着中华民族“团圆”的文化传统,除了有落叶归根的想法之外,也为家族后裔提供一个永久的追思空间,寄托后代子孙对往生亲人的无尽思念。

Falling leaves will always fall close to the roots of the tree. In traditional Chinese thought, it matters not where one is, or where they go, the home is the warmest haven. Deep in the soul, the heart of the wanderer will always long for home. No matter how far one travels, we will always look forward to the day when we will be reunited with our loved ones. The Royal Family Burial Plot pays homage to this line of thought.

| Semenyih | Klang |

Family Burial Plot

风格迥异的个性化墓型,为私人定制,可将生命隽美的诗篇,一帧帧制作成永恒的设计,依先人的喜好、个性与特色,用艺术完美地典藏先人的生命故事,化作稀世珍品,成为往生者独一无二的“艺术宫殿”。 Every personalized design conveysa different story worthy of commemoration. It can be likened to a beautiful poem with enduring magnificence. Here, you are greeted with fond memories that recall the interests, personalities and characteristics of your loved ones. Through the beauty of art, the cherished memories of your loved ones come alive instantly in this highly treasured memorial.

| Semenyih | Shah Alam | Klang |

双 / 单穴福地
Double And Single Plot

井然有序的富贵山庄,美观地安顿每一个福泽穴地,和顺地铺陈出入走道,格局精心,故人得以沐浴安逸之中,藉以福荫子孙,顺及家运,兴及人丁。 Nirvana Memorial Park is designed in a harmonious manner with landscaping inspired by its natural surroundings. Picturesque and tranquil, it soothes the soul and calms the heart. For those who find eternal rest here, it is simply an idyllic place to find peace. For the living, its excellent Feng Shui promotes prosperity generation after generation.

| Semenyih | Shah Alam | Klang |

Christian Memorial Garden

以天国的意境作为设计,让基督徒可以永息在主的圣恩之下,基督徒墓园区,规划井然,福地及骨灰殿选择多样化,客户可自行选择墓碑设计,加上视野宽阔,清幽宁静,景色怡人,为基督徒永恒追思的安息福地。 Inspired by the ”Kingdom of Heaven”, the Christian Memorial Park is a dignified elegant eternal resting place for Christians. Its orderly and blissful design consists of burial plots of various styles and a columbarium, With a wide selection of beautiful headstone to choose from. The tranquil memorial park is in harmony with the natural scenery set in a tranquil environment, hence is considered an idyllic final resting place for those of the Christian faith.

| Semenyih | Klang |

Modern Columbarium

现代骨灰殿坐落于繁荣的黄金三角地带,建筑设计充满活力和艺术。骨灰殿以“永恒”为核心,运用极简主义的雕塑和壁画,搭配干净明亮的殿内设计,勾勒出理想天堂的轮廓。 The modern columbarium is designed along vibrant artistic lines set admidst an auspicious environment that promotes prosperity. The design conveys the essence of a timeless masterpiece. The rustic pavilions are complemented with minimalist murals, sculptures and paintings. The richly contoured architecture and clean interiors provide a fresh finesse to the overall design. It conjures up an impression of a paradise in line with contemporary ideals.

| NCKL | Klang |

Luxury Columbarium

独具匠心的六星级设计,建筑装潢辉煌,设计灵感源自中国灵山的梵宫,明宫格局精致华美,气势恢宏。壮观的穹顶设计,瑰丽璀璨的雕塑,辉煌的壁画以及舒适氛围,展现出一股幽静的气息,洗涤了访客的心灵,也为逝者提供了宁静祥和的长眠之地。 With a 6-star decoration, the Brahma Palace was built with intricate and beautiful designs With its 6-star design inspired by the Lingshan Brahma Palace in China, the Ming Palace is constructed with delicate and beautiful interiors that warmly welcome visitors. Its spectacular ceiling, intricatete sculptures, elegant murals and warm ambience create a truly remarkable atmosphere that both calms the heart of visitors as well as provide the departed with a serene place of eternal rest.

| Semenyih | Shah Alam | Klang | NCKL |

Christian Columbarium

艺术性的基督徒骨灰殿建筑的杰作,具有独特性。尽管其独特的风格散发着独特的基督教氛围,但基督徒骨灰殿仍具有两大世界观点:精神上的舒适感和现代感。 现代的外墙巧妙地发挥了传统基督教象征和现代元素的作用,从而增强了这一思想。因此,在没有损害其基督徒的身份下,创造了一种全新的,令人耳目一新的东西。 The artistic Christian Columbarium is a masterpiece of bereavement architecture that is unlike any other. While its unique style exudes a distinctive Christian character, the Christian Columbarium presents the best of both worlds: spiritual comfort and contemporary sensibilities.

| Semenyih | Shah Alam | Klang | NCKL |

Want to know more? Make an appointment with us!

Total Life Planning 提供一站式全方位人生规划服务,目前已有超过15年的顾问经验,栽培超过2,000名富贵专员!最重要的是, 我们也成功帮助了超过10,000多家庭完成事前规划!

With more than 15 years of consulting experiences in providing holistic Bereavement Planning Services, we have successfully trained and build more than 2,000 agents and also helped them to grow their career path in Nirvana.

We are constantly looking for passionate and talented individuals to join our business in Holistic Life Planning. We are committed to assist and provide full support through our agency system internally. Contact us now to learn more about career opportunities.

Visit for more info: https://nirvana-memorial.com/

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