
Funeral Service

Nirvana Life Plan

生命圆满契约旨在提供专业服务与优质产品及免除葬礼繁琐事宜,并确保葬礼过程顺利进行。契约分成不同的价格,以及设有个人化定制服务,可以让你选择你想要的殡仪方式。 生命圆满契约为客户提供简化事前规划的流程,富贵集团在全国分行设有专业的服务人员及授权代理,随时随地为客户服务。

Nirvana Life Plans aim to ensure the funeral planning process be as hassle-free as possible by combining our best services and products in five easy-to-choose pre-arranged plans. The plans come in different price ranges to address every budgetary concern and are suitable for those of the Taoist, Buddhist and Christian faiths. Our Nirvana Life Plans also have customizable elements so that you can personalise according individual needs. Aside from making the pre-planning easier for our customers through our Nirvana Life Plans, Nirvana Asia has dedicated service personnel in multiple internationally-certified branches nationwide and a wide network of professional authorised agents who are ever-ready to lend a helping hand.

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White Ladies


The 1st of its kind in Malaysia, our professional all female service staff, dedicated to rendering their immaculate services with a genuine sincerity for female decedents.

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What is pre-planning?


Pre-planning means advance planning of your final send-off before the need occurs. Just as purchasing an insurance is an important advance planning, pre-planning is crucial towards completing total financial planning.


7 main advantages of pre-planning


The advantages in pre-planning are numerous, and it can benefit both you and your loved ones in many ways.

  1. 保护家人抵抗通货膨胀
  2. 承担葬礼费用的财务负担
  3. 充足时间和空间做出思考
  4. 拥有自主权决定自己想要的方式
  5. 家人不烦心
  6. 家人不仓促做决定
  7. 心无牵挂

  1. Your family is protected from rising funeral costs due to inflation.
  2. You assume responsibility of your own final send-off expenditures.
  3. You will have time and space to consider all factors and concerns.
  4. You can be self-reliant and choose the way you wish to be celebrated and remembered.
  5. Your family will know who to contact in the event of an emergency.
  6. Your family will not be unnecessarily pressured and they can focus on what is important.
  7. You will be able to enjoy greater peace of mind.


Our Facilities

Complete Facilities to Our Customer 提供设备完善 一应俱全

Want to know more? Make an appointment with us!

Total Life Planning 提供一站式全方位人生规划服务,目前已有超过15年的顾问经验,栽培超过2,000名富贵专员!最重要的是, 我们也成功帮助了超过10,000多家庭完成事前规划!

With more than 15 years of consulting experiences in providing holistic Bereavement Planning Services, we have successfully trained and build more than 2,000 agents and also helped them to grow their career path in Nirvana.

We are constantly looking for passionate and talented individuals to join our business in Holistic Life Planning. We are committed to assist and provide full support through our agency system internally. Contact us now to learn more about career opportunities.

Visit for more info: https://nirvana-memorial.com/

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